Caitlin is originally from Eugene, Oregon but has spent the past five years in the bay area at Stanford. She majored in African history and did an M.A. in African studies. Both of these focused specifically on the African Great Lakes region, so she’s excited to spend some quality time in the region for the next year. During her undergrad she wrote a thesis on land conflict and historical memory in North Kivu, DRC, and worked on more short-term projects in Kampala and Bujumbura. At Stanford, she studied abroad at Oxford and was part of Stanford STAND, a human rights related group on campus. She’s excited to spend next year learning all the things you can’t get from sitting in a classroom, and using (and improving) her French.
The International Rescue Committee has been so fortunate to have had a longstanding relationship with Princeton in Africa since our very first Fellows landed in Rwanda in 1999. Whether it was Emily or Renee in 1999 or the 110 Fellows across 14 IRC countries over the years, we have been blessed by the relationship, the quality of the Fellows and the impact on what IRC does on the ground every single day.