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Yoon_Carla_WebsiteCarla Sung Ah Yoon 2016-2017 Fellow with Lutheran World Federation, Uganda Dartmouth College Class of 2015

Carla is originally from Korea and grew up in Bahrain and England. She graduated from Dartmouth College in 2015 with a degree in Government, focusing on International Relations. At Dartmouth, Carla was an active member in the Student and Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault and worked as student coordinator for the Center for Gender and Student Engagement, during which she helped organize two campaigns for women’s empowerment. During college, Carla also interned with the Future of Peace Operations program at the Stimson Center in D.C; as research intern, she conducted research on IDP camps in South Sudan and on best practices of monitoring and evaluating civilian protection interventions. She also briefly volunteered at the non-profit Refuge PNan in Korea, assisting refugees with legal and livelihood aid. Upon graduation, Carla worked in the Refugee Legal Aid Program at the non-profit St. Andrews Refugee Services in Cairo. As legal fellow, she helped resettle refugees from Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Syria in safer countries. Carla speaks English and Korean fluently and is learning French and Arabic. She looks forward to working with refugees in Adjumani, learning about Ugandan people and their culture, and traveling to new places.

Jessica Yost Fellow with Healthy Kids/Brighter Future, Zambia Macalester College Class of 2018

Alumni Update:

Jessica is currently the Development and Community Relations Coordinator at New Door Ventures based in San Francisco where her work focuses on leading individual giving development and New Door’s volunteerism program. She resides in San Francisco. 

Fellow Bio:

Jessica, a native of Hartland, Wisconsin, graduated from Macalester College with a B.A. in International Studies, minors in Anthropology and Political Science, and concentrations in African Studies and Human Rights and Humanitarianism. Jessica’s interest in Africa began when she volunteered at a children’s home in South Africa when she was 13 years old. She has worked with the home for over 8 years. That inspired her to create her own non-profit organization, 15:30 Project, providing the children she works with opportunities for higher education. Her work has been highlighted in local media outlets and earned her several nationally recognized awards. At Macalester, Jessica interned with the U.S. State Department at the embassy in Mozambique where she helped draft the 2016 Human Rights Report. Then, Jessica interned with Kakenya’s Dream in Washington, D.C., advocating for girls’ education and against female genital mutilation in Kenya and assisting with advocacy initiatives. She studied abroad in Gaborone, Botswana where her semester focused on urban development. In Botswana, she conducted human rights research about discrimination against people with albinism. Jessica is interested in the intersection of education, human rights, and diplomacy particularly in the Southern African context. 

Yu_Jasmin_WebsiteJasmin Yu 2015-2016 Fellow with UN World Food Programme, Malawi University of California, Los Angeles Class of 2010

Jasmin recently graduated in May 2015 from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) with a Master’s degree in International Development and International Economics, and a specialization in Management for Development. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in Sociology and Art History. Upon graduating from UCLA, Jasmin worked for a relief and development NGO as a Program Development Officer, designing, implementing and evaluating global multi-sectoral development programs. Most recently, Jasmin spent a summer interning with the UN in Myanmar, completed a Practicum consulting for the World Resources Institute’s Sustainable Finance Department, and interned with a USAID contractor to conduct impact evaluations of various USAID E3 projects. Jasmin speaks French, Italian and Japanese and is looking forward to learning Chichewa and spending time in the “Warm Heart of Africa.”

Tesay Yusuf 2019-2020 Fellow with Global Livingston Institute, Uganda Stanford University Class of 2018

Tesay, born and raised in the D.C. area, graduated from Stanford with a degree in International Relations and a minor in African and African American Studies. She is the proud child of Ethiopian immigrants and speaks Harari and Amharic and loves music and travel. While at Stanford, Tesay worked at the Center for African Studies as a Program Assistant where she coordinated events ranging from academic discussions to community events. While studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa, she interned at the Iziko Social History Centre where she supported community research initiatives and forums working to shift the gaze of museums away from a colonial lens. Tesay also has experience in civil advocacy and spent a summer as a Communications Intern at the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She spent the last year working at Google coordinating candidate experience and supporting hiring efforts across Google and did significant work developing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs on her team. Tesay is extremely passionate about the intersection of digital media and social impact and hopes to pursue a master’s in International/Public Policy and/or an MBA.

Sandy Zaeh 2005-2006 Fellow with BOTUSA Project, Botswana Princeton University Class of 2007
Hannah Zaveri 2023-2024 Fellow with The Rwanda School Project, Rwanda University of Virginia Class of 2023


 Hannah was born in Kenya and raised in Zimbabwe, where she developed a passion for public health and youth mentorship while volunteering with children impacted by HIV/AIDS. She is a recent University of Virginia (UVA) graduate who majored in global public health and minored in sociology. Hannah’s commitment to supporting youth in her community motivated her to volunteer at the UVA Children’s Hospital and mentor high schoolers who volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville. Growing up in Zimbabwe and attending an international school, Hannah valued learning from people of different backgrounds. Therefore, as president of the Global Student Council at UVA, she started roundtable discussions for students of all cultural backgrounds to identify differences and similarities in their UVA experiences. In addition, Hannah led independent research studies as an undergraduate. Most recently, she has continued to support people living with HIV/AIDS by investigating factors to improve access to HIV care at UVA’s Ryan White HIV Clinic. Hannah’s experience with remote Africa-based work solidified her interest in further developing her connection to the region. In 2021, she interned with the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) and wrote reports on gender inequality in Zimbabwe and ZimRights’ financing options. That year, she also collaborated on a remote investigation of the best clinical practices at the University of Rwanda’s multidisciplinary pain management clinic. After this fellowship, Hannah intends to pursue a master’s in public health. She aims to increase global access to quality and affordable health care

Nahal Zebarjadi 2007-2008 Fellow with International Rescue Committee (IRC), Democratic Republic of Congo Princeton University Class of 2007

Alumni Update:

After Nahal’s year at IRC in DRC, and the great opportunity of a second mission with IRC (this time briefly in Chad), Nahal moved back home to Australia where Nahal completed a JD at Melbourne Law School. Nahal then spent about three years advising and representing the state in constitutional and administrative law matters, before moving from being a civil servant to an international civil servant at the World Intellectual Property Organisation in Geneva this year.

Eva Zenilman website photoEva Zenilman 2014-2015 Fellow with The BOMA Project, Kenya Emory University Class of 2014

Eva is from Baltimore, Maryland. After high school, she spent a year in New York City as an AmeriCorps member with the program City Year, and then went on to major in Economics and graduate from Emory University in 2014. During her junior year, she started working on an RCT that is measuring the cost-effectiveness and health impacts of water, sanitation, hygiene, and nutritional interventions on child health and cognitive development in rural Western Kenya. She travelled to Bungoma, Kenya for 10 weeks over the summer to continue working on the study as an intern for Innovations for Poverty Action. Eva was also a research assistant for the social enterprise program at Emory’s business school, and is excited to continue using business concepts and solutions to create meaningful impact with The BOMA Project. She is also looking forward to meeting new people, learning Swahili, and seeing the sights she didn’t get to see last time!

Jenny Zhang 2008-2009 Fellow with Feedback Madagascar, Madagascar Princeton University Class of 2009

Fellow Bio:

Jenny is a politics major from Pewaukee, WI. At Princeton, she has guided Orange Key tours, acted as community service chair for Mathey College, and traveled to Mobile, AL, with a Hurricane Katrina relief trip. Jenny studied political science at the University of Cape Town during her Junior Spring and looks forward to spending the summer working in and exploring Madagascar.

Jennifer Avukile Zoya 2017-2018 Fellow with Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative, Botswana Colorado College Class of 2017

Avukile was born and raised in South Africa. She recently completed her Bachelors of Arts Degree in Molecular Biology and a minor in Spanish at Colorado College. In addition to English, Xhosa, Zulu and Setswana, she speaks advanced Spanish after having studied abroad in Spain, Peru and Chile for immersive cultural programmes. Avu has always been passionate about the scientific and social impacts of HIV/AIDs. Thus, during a summer in her sophomore year, she interned in South Africa, doing public health community research and volunteering with the TB/HIV care association that offers care and community-based treatment adherence support. Then, she interned in Colombia helping youth find strategies to tackle prominent public health issues such as teenage pregnancy and drug addiction. In her junior year, she worked as the Diversity and Inclusion Programs Coordinator at Colorado College, organizing and planning student campus events, panels and lectures for minority and international students on campus. She served as a mentor for sophomores and led a cultural mentoring team for a local refugee family from Colombia. She loves playing volleyball, practices yoga and meditation. Avukile plans to get a master’s degree in public health after working a few years with public health organizations. Avu is excited for the wonderful professional and cultural opportunity in working with BIPAI in Botswana!

Our History

In 1999, a group of Princeton alumni, faculty, and staff launched Princeton in Africa as an independent affiliate of Princeton University inspired by the University’s informal motto, “Princeton in the Nation’s Service and in the Service of All Nations.” In 2010, the program opened up to include graduates of any US accredited university in order to meet the growing demand from host organizations and allow more young professionals access to the unique opportunities afforded by PiAf. During the past 20 years, we have placed over 600 Fellows with more than 100 organizations in 36 countries, while developing more strategic partnerships across Africa and creating more opportunities for our alumni community to engage with the continent and with one another.


The International Rescue Committee has been so fortunate to have had a longstanding relationship with Princeton in Africa since our very first Fellows landed in Rwanda in 1999.  Whether it was Emily or Renee in 1999 or the 110 Fellows across 14 IRC countries over the years, we have been blessed by the relationship, the quality of the Fellows and the impact on what IRC does on the ground every single day.

Brian Johnson
Chief Human Resources Officer
International Rescue Committee

My fellowship has been the most impactful personal and professional development opportunity of my life. I wanted a post-college experience that would push my limits, expand my comfort zone, and help me discern the next steps in my career journey. And this has been the case.

Ryan Elliott
2014-15 Fellow
Baylor Pediatric AIDS Initiative in Lesotho

I can honestly say that this year has changed my life and my view of what’s possible for the future. Princeton in Africa isn’t just a one-year fellowship, it’s an introduction to a particular way of life and a new way of thinking about the world. I feel like so many doors are open now that I never would have considered before.

Katie Fackler
2010-11 Fellow
UN World Food Programme

My Princeton in Africa fellowship was everything I could have hoped for and much more. The myriad of experiences makes my head swim, and it has strengthened my desire to help underserved populations worldwide.

David Bartels
2006-2007 Fellow
Baylor Pediatric AIDS Initiative

Princeton in Africa was an invaluable experience for me. I learned an infinite amount through my work and through living in Uganda. I also realized that I want to continue working on African issues as long as I can.

Alexis Okeowo
2006-2007 Fellow
The New Vision

The International Rescue Committee’s experience with Princeton in Africa has been exceptional. Each Fellow brings excellent writing and analytical skills as well as unique interests and passions that enrich the program and the field office environment. We were so pleased we expanded the program to more field offices.

Susan Riehl
Human Resources, IRC

The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation has been working in Africa for over 11 years through its Secure the Future program.  One common theme in all aspects of program implementation is having passionate, energetic individuals on the ground who can think outside the box and then transfer the skills for sustainability.  The Princeton In Africa Fellows have been a huge asset in this regard and our programs and patients have been better for it.

John Damonti
President, Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation