Emma Claire Jones

Emma Claire’s interest in African affairs began in 2013, when she moved to Dakar, Senegal for a 9-month fellowship as part of Princeton University’s Novogratz Bridge Year Program. Living in Dakar sparked an interest in international education and postcolonial history, which she continued to develop through language immersion and research in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, and the UK during her undergraduate studies. She graduated with a BA in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton in 2018 and moved to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to teach ESL at the American University of Central Asia as a Princeton in Asia Fellow. She worked in Bishkek for two years, mentoring Kyrgyz, Tajik, and Afghan high school graduates as they applied to international universities alongside her ESL classes. She also taught US, World, and African history at Princeton High School before coming to Princeton in Africa in summer 2023.

Emma Claire is passionate about increasing access to international fellowship opportunities and supporting the personal and professional growth of Princeton in Africa’s Fellows.

Outside of work, Emma Claire likes to knit, spend time with family, and cook/eat her way through new recipes and cuisines. She also enjoys all things history-related, from museums to historical fiction and documentaries.

Email her at ejones@princetoninafrica.org.